(a 2018 rant, inspired by a new president and the belief that no matter what “side” we are on, we are all responsible. As within, so without.)

You are fast asleep
And this is your dream
You dream of a soft rain falling on your skin
It feels like a touch from the grandmother you never met
A grandmother who would look deeply into your eyes with so much compassion
A grandmother whose hugs were for real. . .
Filled with so much love and acceptance you feel you have a true place in this world
In her heart
Nothing is more real than living in another’s heart
Nothing is more real than allowing someone to live in yours
This feeling is the same feeling the rock sitting in your front yard has for you
It’s the same feeling the tree holds for you as you lean against its bark and enjoy its shade
It is in the pool of water after the rain, which compels you to jump and make a splash
That mountain you climb
Loves you
The ocean that you swim
Loves you
But you are fast asleep
You don’t feel it or see it
It comes to you in dreams
And because it is a dream, you think it’s not real
But it is the only thing that is real
Wake up
Wake from your slumber of ambition and status
Wake up from the belief that it’s a dog eat dog world
Wake up from the fear that you will never have enough
These beliefs were taught to you by sick minds
Minds that want to control, oppress and even kill
Minds that believe money and power are everything
Wake up
and live your greatest dream.